ALL CFCE programs and services are provided at NO COST to families and their children and are open to all families! SHI/CFCE provides both home based, and community based educational services. All community based services are located in the libraries or other free community venues where families visit. The target age of all CFCE services are infants—school age, specific activities may target a particular age. These activities are designed to educate parents/children, enhance parental resilience and help families build social connections. Please check out our calendar for times and locations of these activities.
Below are some examples of the services we offer:
Parent Child Activities and Playgroups:
We hold various weekly and monthly activities for parents and their children across the 23 towns we cover. Some groups have specific ages that are targeted and some have specific education themes that are targeted (STEM, literacy, math, health and movement etc. Click here for a more comprehensive list with descriptions. Also check out our Upcoming Activities Calendar for dates, times, registration info.
Kindergarten Transition/Readiness Info./Support:
We provide kindergarten groups, K registration information, “I’m Going to Kindergarten” activity calendar and much more. Please visit our Kindergarten Transition page for more info. and resources.
Parent Workshops:
Parent workshops are educational and interactive. This is just a small sampling of the many workshops that we offer: Young Children’s Discipline for Dads, Positive Discipline with crafts for young children, “Under Construction – tools for building a family budget, Tantrums, Meltdowns and Rage, Oh No!, Positive Discipline that works for young children , Understanding the Temperaments of Young Children, Avoiding Power Struggles & Winning Cooperation with Young Children
If you are part of a parent group, please contact us regarding FREE workshops to address the needs of your group.
We will hep you with finding the community resources you and your family need. Such as: applying for childcare financial assistance, Food programs or other government agencies (WIC, SNAP, TAFDC), Counseling for children and families, Other social service referral information). We also can provide you with our Community Resource Directory that contains various information on a variety of community services.
Phone support, email contact:
If you ever have a question we are here to answer it, or help you find the resources to help. We can provide you support on the phone, face to face, or via email.
Home visits:
Home visits can be done to focus on specific needs. Home visits include meetings with the family to discuss specific issues and to brainstorm strategies that can be used in the home to address these issues.
Resource Library:
CFCE has an extensive library of Infant/Toddler to School Age children’s books and parenting books to borrow. Different Types of Resource Library topics include but are not limited to: Discipline, parenting, transitions, child development, grief/loss, divorce, toileting, bedtime routines and bullying. Come by our office and take a look, or ask your CFCE Specialist!
Ages & Stages Parent Questionnaire:
Do you have questions about your child’s development? Would you like resources to assist you with promoting your child’s development? CFCE can help….CLICK HERE for more information
Let’s Recycle:
We encourage everyone to recycle and reuse whenever they can! We have teamed up with Funding Factory and Recycling Fundraiser to help protect the environment by collecting recyclable items like: small electronics and inkjet cartridges. If you have these things around your home and don’t know what to do with them, then help us protect the environment by donating them. We will provide you with a pre-paid envelope to mail in small items. Your used item(s) will be recycled in accordance with EPA regulations. MORE INFORMATION
SHI/CFCE distributes an electronic Bi-monthly Newsletter which contains parenting information, activities, community resources and more. To get on our email list just complete the form at the bottom of the page!
Bringing up Baby:
This is a home visiting program just for families who are expecting or have a newborn. A professional Parent Support Specialist can come to your home and help make referrals per your request or answer questions about your new baby, and provide you with a “New Baby Bag” containing lots of resources and
information. A home consultation will take about 30-45 min. depending on your needs. If you have a child under the age of 3 we can bring an educational activity for the sibling. A home visit is not required to receive the baby bag….but we would love to meet you and your new addition!
Educational Advocacy Services:
Advocacy services are available to support parents through the process of accessing specialized services for their children. Support can include assistance with: referrals, reviewing testing results, developing strategies to support their child at home
Cradles to Crayons: 
Self Help Inc CFCE is a Cradles to Crayons Community Partner! If you are a family in need of essential items (clothing, books, child equipment) for your children ages 0-12 yrs, C2C and CFCE can help! Contact us or complete our online C2C Request Form!
Annual Events and Activities:
Read Across America – March, Brain Building in Progress- April, CFCE Family Book Swap- Summer, Literacy Month – November