Recycling Rumble

Rumble-ongoing_423x255Self Help Inc Coordinated Family and Community Engagement has entered the’s Recycling Rumble……and we need your help!

We have been matched against Portland High School from Portland, TN to see who can recycle the MOST items and RAISE the most money in the process.
In order to be successful we are asking that you get involved by recycling your empty ink cartridges, toner cartridges and small electronics…..WITH US!  We promise to make it easy.
Any of the items on the Qualifying List are eligible to be recycled, but we will get EXTRA RUMBLE POINTS for toner cartridges recycled!
All you have to do, is keep a box at your site or business and let staff know about the qualifying items (ink jet, laser and toner cartridges in addition to cell phones, tables, laptops and more).   When the box is full, just contact me and I will either arrange to pick it up or will send you a Pre-paid mailing label.  We can also provide you with posters, email templates to go out to staff and other materials to help make the project a success!

 For items to be included in our RUMBLE POINTS, they must be received at the Funding Factory warehouse between February 1, 2015 and April 15, 2015!  

Keep track of how we are doing on the score board (on the right sidebar!) or  by visiting 

Will you recycle with us? It’s easy and 100% free.  It’s win-win.

GET STARTED NOW as a supporter for SELF HELP INC. CFCE!!!!


All proceeds earned through our Recycling Project and the Recycling RUMBLE are reinvested back into FREE educational programming for children and families in your community!

If you would like more information please contact Leslie Dunn at  


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