If you would like to be part of the Self Help Inc. CFCE Council…
What to Expect at a Council Meeting?
The Self Help Inc. Coordinated Family and Community Engagement Program is guided by its own Council. The Council consists of early childhood professionals (i.e., family childcare providers, center-based childcare programs, Head Start programs, and public school preschool programs), community members, and parents. The Council meets on a regular basis to address issues related to community needs, to make budgetary decisions, and find ways to continually improve the services offered by SHI/CFCE. Membership on the Council is open to any and all community people/agencies interested in the system of Early Care and Education in their town.
How many people will be there?
Typically, there can be anywhere from 5 people to 30 people. The night time meetings and budget meetings tend to draw a larger group.
Who will be there?
There will be the CFCE Coordinator, the Director of CFCE, and possibly other Self Help/CFCE staff. Representatives from the local Resource and Referral agencies (CCK, PACE), Educator and Provider Support Grantees, Mental Health Grantees, family childcare providers, public school representatives, center-based childcare representatives, Head Start representatives, parents and other community members (Early Intervention, local business representatives, social service agencies).
What happens when I get there?
There will be a table for you to sign in (very important to ensure you receive all council correspondence), and there will be various handouts for you to take. The CFCE Coordinator will begin the meeting, and have all present introduce themselves to the Council. After introductions the minutes will be voted on and specific agenda items will be discussed such as budget and program information.
What are minutes?
The minutes are a record of the previous Council meeting. Minutes for each meeting must be voted on by the Council. First, the Council is given the opportunity to make any corrections. The minutes are then voted on after a member makes a motion.
What is a motion?
A motion is a verbal statement about what has been presented to the Council, and means the issue is ready to be voted on. For example, once the minutes are read, and if there are no corrections, any Council member may say “I make a motion to accept the minutes as presented”, any other Council member will then need to second the motion by saying, “I second the motion”. The Coordinator will then ask for a vote by members raising their hands: all in favor (you accept the motion as stated), any opposed (you do not agree with the motion), or any abstentions (you do not wish to vote one way or the other). There may or may not be other issues during the meeting that will need a motion and a vote.
Who is able to vote?
All council members (anyone from the community who chooses to attend meetings and maintain their contact information on our Council list). The only stipulation is that if there are multiple people from one program/agency that only one person votes on behalf of that program/agency.