Category: Programs
At Home STEAM Activities
At-home STEAM ACTIVITIES are available for you to do with your child!
The goal of this STEAM Program is to allow parents and children the opportunity to engage in a variety of STEAM activities at home with their children, to help develop your child’s curiosity, creativity and problem solving skills!!
What is STEAM? This stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, ART and Mathematics.
Why is STEAM important? By the time your child enters the workforce, 65 % of the jobs that will be available don’t even exist today. You are preparing your children for a world that doesn’t exist yet…for technologies that are not invented.
How do you prepare your child for a world that doesn’t exist yet? Encouraging your child’s natural curiosity and talents through STEAM activities helps your child learn:
how to persevere
how to learn from failure and still try again
how to re-evaluate, redesign and re-think a problem to create a unique and inventive solution.
All of these skills (among many more) are learned through STEAM activities.
Anything is possible with STEAM-filled kids.
Many times parents feel that STEAM activities may be too difficult, too messy and just too much! It is our hope that by providing you this opportunity to engage in some simple experiments and activities at-home, parents and their children will see that STEAM is part of everything we do with our kids! Some activities may be messy….but that is MOST of the FUN!! All activities will require adult supervision and help……some may be adaptable for younger ages….but typically the activities are geared for preschool-school-age.
We will be offering several activities you can do at home with your child. Some of these include experiments and activities such as:
Once you REGISTER you will receive an email outlining the activities to do! You can choose 1 or choose all of them….. don’t be shy….the GREAT THING ABOUT STEAM….is that you can always learn something, even if the experiment or activity does not come out as expected!!!
Once you register your child, we will send them an observation journal in the mail. Please use it to document all of our Young Scientists at work…..we would love for you to take some pictures and complete a page in the journal….then you can email them in to us! Specific instructions will be provided via email once you have registered!
CFCE Newsletter and Activities- February 2024
You can also see EVERYTHING we have coming up, on our Calendar
If you want to receive these activities via email, CLICK HERE to join our email list!!
Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook for even more activities!
PC+ Program is accepting families for the Fall 2023
We have a few openings for our ParentChild+ program for the Fall 2023!
If you are a parent of a 16-month to three year-old child, and live in Randolph, Rockland or Holbrook, you may be eligible for a special program that helps prepare your child later for school success.
Check out our updated Speaking from the Heart Webpage!
There is always new and updated information. If you would like to see something added to this page please email Marsha Wright at or Gina McGarrigle at