Each month there is a different activity to THINK, DRAW & WRITE about! Once you register you will receive some self addressed stamped envelopes, along with the monthly themes!!!
- Lotti, age 5
- Chris, age 3
- Lotti, age 5
- Chris, age 3
Here’s how it works……
First.…You think about the idea.…Second….You draw a picture of the idea…..Third…..You write a short story!!!
You can mail the picture/story to Carol Carver, so she can hang it up on the CREATIVITY Wall at Self Help Inc./CFCE, 780 West Main Street, Avon, MA 02322. A copy of it will be made and the original will be mailed back to you along with a SURPRISE each month!!!
If you register to do this activity each month via mail, you will receive some self addressed stamped envelopes, along with the monthly themes!!!