Here at Self Help Inc. Coordinated Family & Community Engagement Program we are creating a “HAPPINESS WALL” where we will post your child’s hand drawn picture(s) of what makes them happy, along with you’re explanation to accompany the drawing (child’s name, age and their words of what makes them happy).
This parent-child activity will help fill those cold winter days when you’re looking for something to do with your child and can’t go outside because of the BRRRRR!!!
Your child can make 1 or 100 pictures, send them in to us and we will post them on our “HAPPINESS WALL”. Your participation will help the wall grow and develop joy for all to see!!!
Please feel free to
stop by our office to
admire all of the
creations and have your child receive a free
book, as well as for you to borrow any paren
resources that we have that interest you- including a FREE packet of more Winter Chill Activities to do at home!!!
We look forward to receiving special pictures from your home to our office home in the mail and all of the smiles that go along with them!!
Please send drawings to:
Self Help Inc. Coordinated Family & Community Engagement Program 780 West Main Street Avon, MA 02322 Attn: Carol Carver
Office Hours: M-F 8:30-4:00
Any questions call Carol Carver at 508-559-1666 ext. #113 or email Carol Carver